1 Agustus 2019 1.437x Blog & Bali Information
Bali Botanical Garden is officially known as a Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali. Eka Karya refers to this being the first Botanic Garden which has been established following Indonesian independence.
Bali Botanical Garden Location
It is located at Bedugul village, Baturiti district, Tabanan regency. It is about 62 km from Denpasar. To reach the location of Bali Botanic Garden, visitors are advised to take taxi, car, motorbike or tourist bus because public transportation is not convenient due to the irregular schedule.
What To See

Bali botanical garden is unique in Bali as a place for botanical research, conservations, recreation, and educations, it provides a place where you can relax in beautiful and peaceful surrounds while learning about the function of plants in the daily life of Balinese as well as some interesting rain forest plantations and bird life.
In Bali Botanical Garden the visitors can see many places such as: orchid, Traditional Balinese House, Fern Park, Ceremonial Plants Collection, Medical Plants Collection, Tree Collection, Rose Park, Cactus, Hindu Temple.
- Children’s supplies: eucalyptus oil to warm the body and anti-insect lotion to avoid mosquito bites
- The best time to visit is at 8:00 a.m. before getting crowded with other tourist visits. The visitors
- Warm clothes because sometimes the air is cold
- It’s better to have an umbrella before it rains because the weather in Bedugul often changes.
Bali Tour Packages / One Day Tour
We offer various bali tour packages and day tour. Please see details of our best from the best Bali Full Day Tours here

Bali Top Holidays also Offer 3,4 and 5 days Holiday Package called Bali Tour Package
This package will bring you to explore main Bali tourism site, from the center of the islands, northern and eastern islands tourist destination.
Bali Top Holiday Tour & Travel
Please contact this number/email or chat at Whatsapp to make a booking
Phone : +6282147834120, +6281236727210 ,
Whatsapp : +62812 4664 8579/ +62812 3672 7210
Office phone number : (+62361) 464 623
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