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Blog & Bali Information ~ 13 artikel



31 Juli 2019 1.311x Blog & Bali Information

BAJRA SANDHI MONUMENT DENPASAR BALI Location The address of the Bajra Sandhi Monument is on Jalan Puputan No. 142, Panjer, Denpasar, Bali. Bajra Sandhi Monument is located in front of the Governor of Bali’s Office, expressing a tall bell looming in lotus (seroja), the symbol of the meeting of lingga and yoni, namely the nature... selengkapnya

antonio blanco museum

Antonio Blanco Museum Ubud

29 Juli 2019 1.373x Blog & Bali Information

ANTONIO BLANCO MUSEUM UBUD Antonio Blanco Museum Ubud is a place where visitors can see the works of world painters Don Antonio Blanco. The name Don Antonio Blanco has been known worldwide in the field of painting. His painting works tell a lot about the beauty of the woman he displayed in brush strokes and... selengkapnya

Angel’s Billabong Nusa Penida Island Bali

Angel’s Billabong Nusa Penida Island Bali

26 Juli 2019 1.302x Blog & Bali Information

ANGEL’S BILLABONG Angel’s Billabong is located between irregular and sharp beach corals. To see the beauty and exoticism of this place, visitors must approach the end of the reef. This place is on two rocks that divide, so it appears as a pond in the middle. Puddles come from the sea and the surrounding rivers,... selengkapnya

obyek wisata alas kedaton`

Alas Kedaton Monkey Forest

26 Juli 2019 1.330x Blog & Bali Information

ALAS KEDATON MONKEY FOREST Alas Kedaton Bali is a protected forest area that has an area of approximately 12 hectares. Besides many trees, visitors will see many monkeys around the forest area. Inside the forest area there  is  also  a  temple  called  Alas  Kedaton  temple.   The  location  of  Ala... selengkapnya

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